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March 7, 2023
  • This event has passed.

2 x onsite 2 hour morning sessions via Zoom

Email: admin.tauranga@fwn.org.nz

Phone: 07 575 9709

Parenting through Separation is a free information programme, funded by the Ministry of Justice, that helps you focus on what’s best for your children when you separate.

Anyone involved in parenting arrangements for children can attend, including separating or separated parents, grandparents and other family/whanau members.

You have to complete a Parenting through Separation course before attending family dispute mediation or applying to the Family Court (in most cases).

You’ll be in a small group with up to 20 people. A trained programme leader will provide information and you will be able to discuss parenting issues and ask questions if you wish.

The programme takes about four hours, two sessions of two hours each, some sessions are held concurrently on the same day and others have sessions a week apart to accommodate for those with prior commitments.


Date: March 7, 2023