Children and young people affected by abuse
Are you concerned about things your child may have seen or experienced?
When home no longer feels safe and families break apart, it can be shattering and painful for everyone. Children and young people may have experienced abuse themselves or watched people who are close to them being hurt.
We provide free counselling for children/young people and their families who are affected by abuse of any kind.
Abuse is when someone:
- hits, punches or kicks people
- touches a person’s body without permission
- puts a person down, calls them names or bullies them
- doesn’t look after their family properly
- hurts others in the family.
Where to start
- Children/young people (up to 17 years old) can be referred by family members/caregivers, doctors, a school worker or another agency. If your child is under five years old we focus on helping you as well as the child.
- High school-aged young people can contact their local Family Works site directly for support.