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PSN Lecture Series 2018 Speaker Interviews
PSN Lecture Series 2018 – Full Lecture Videos
Dr. Andrew Leigh
Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Australian Federal Government
Equalising the antipodes: What can New Zealand and Australia Learn from Each Other About Reducing Inequality?
How the Randomistas Can Help Fight Inequality.
Michael Reddell
New Zealand Economist
Possibilities and (lack of) passion: lifting productivity, for our kids’ sake.
Dr. Tony Burton
Deputy Chief Economic Adviser, The New Zealand Treasury
Do public investments in human capital diminish with age?
Dr. Nicola Atwool
Associate Professor, The University of Otago
Institutional and practice barriers in New Zealand to reducing child poverty.
Dorothy Adams
Acting Chief Executive, Social Investment Agency
The role social housing plays in child wellbeing.
Jenesa Jaram
Policy Analyst, the New Zealand Initiative
How do you measure “child poverty” and what will the new Child Poverty Reduction Bill achieve?
Aimee Kaio
Programme Manager, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Promoting work and entrepreneurship in a small community.
Dr. Mina Fazel
Associate Professor, University of Oxford
School-based mental health interventions: What’s best policy and practice?
Hon. Carmel Sepuloni
Minister for Social Development and Disability Issues