Support available for struggling young families0On March 5, 2024March 5, 2024By Jessica ShaoIn Children and young people, Families, Media releases, Parents Struggling with a young family or pregnant and facing challenges? Waitakere Family Start is able to help. The Family Works...
Call for more funding for parenting programmes in prison and probation services0On August 11, 2023August 11, 2023By Kylie LitchfieldIn Children and young people, Communities, Families, Media releases, News, Parents, Social work There’s a huge need for parenting education and support in the community, but there is not enough funding to provide...
Co-parenting app a ‘game-changer’ for New Zealand families0On February 20, 2018June 17, 2021By Kylie LitchfieldIn Families, Family Dispute Resolution, News, Parents Family Works Resolution Service manager Timothy McMichael and general manager of development Wendy Hoskin believe the app will have a significant impact on co-parenting families.
How separation affects children0On November 10, 2015December 8, 2015By Kylie LitchfieldIn Children and young people, Media releases, Parents Children are affected by separation more than many parents realise, says Timothy McMichael who heads the family dispute resolution service.