Family Works on the North Shore provides core counselling and social work services and some group programmes for children, young people, parents/caregivers and families.
Mairangi & Castor Bays Presbyterian Church
10 Penzance Road
Mairangi Bay
When homes no longer feel safe and families break apart, it can be shattering and painful for everyone, especially children. We can help you get through tough times through counselling.
We have trained and experienced family workers at all of our Family Works sites to walk alongside families and help them make positive, lasting changes.
Parenting is probably one of the hardest jobs around, but few people have any training for it. If you're interested in learning more about being a better parent, The Incredible Years programme could be for you.
Are you concerned about things your child may have seen or experienced? We provide free counselling for children and young people and their families who are affected by abuse of any kind.