When homes no longer feel safe and families break apart, it can be shattering and painful for everyone, especially children. We can help you get through tough times through counselling.
Avondale, Auckland 0600
Contact us
Ph: 09 835 1288
Fax: 09 835 1488
Email: admin.waitakere@fwn.org.nz
Postal address: Private Bag 19991, Avondale 1026
Services available from this location:
Family Start
We're here to support you to give your child the very best start in life. We have a free service for parents /caregivers who face challenges in parenting their babies.
The Incredible Years
Parenting is probably one of the hardest jobs around, but few people have any training for it. If you're interested in learning more about being a better parent, The Incredible Years programme could be for you.
Social Workers in Schools
Our trained SWiS workers partner with you, the school and communities to help your child thrive.
Parenting in Prison
We're here to support parents improve their parenting skills while they are in prison, and to communicate better with their children.
Counselling for children and young people
Are you concerned about things your child may have seen or experienced? We provide free counselling for children and young people and their families who are affected by abuse of any kind.
Financial Mentoring
We can help you work out your finances, plan for your future and become debt-free or simply want to be smarter with your money.
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We need your help
We provide 2,324 emergency food parcels a year however, we are dependent on your support and donations.
Help us put food on tables of families in need today.
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